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Continental Tire Lawsuits

Continental tires have been implicated in a number of lawsuits over the past 10 years. While all tire companies make defective tires from time to time, it is their responsibility to pay injured parties damages when they do. These lawsuits often have multi-million dollar verdicts. This is not a good thing. It means that someone’s injuries will leave them with permanent impairments for the rest of their lives. In some cases, it means a family was robbed of one of its members.

If you were injured in an accident that was caused by a defective tire, the tire defect attorneys at Halpern, Santos & Pinkert can help you recover damages for your injuries. If one of your loved ones was taken from you in an accident caused by a defective tire, we can help you recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit against the manufacturer of the tire. Give us a call or contact us onlinefor more information.

Woman Spends 100 Days in the Hospital After Tire Blowout

In an accident that occurred in 2009, a Florida woman spent 100 days in the hospital after a tire blowout caused her car to roll over three times before it landed on the median. While Continental appealed the decision, the verdict was upheld on appeal.

According to the lawsuit, when the tire failed it had two years left on the warranty and 20,000 miles of tread left on it. Typically, when tires are manufactured they are inspected before they are sold on the market. The tire that caused this accident had never been inspected. In defense of Continental, their lawyers claimed that the woman was responsible for the accident. They claimed she had failed to keep the tires properly inflated.

Underinflation is a common defense to tire failure, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) routinely sets safety limits for underinflation and will issue recalls when a tire doesn’t measure up to federal standards. That being said, there are actions that a driver could take that would leave them potentially or partially responsible for an accident. But a jury decided that this was not the case in this accident and awarded the Florida woman over $10 million in damages.

Continental Settles Class Action Lawsuit

Sometimes lawsuits aren’t necessarily about physical injuries but the damage done by recalls. Continental settled a class action lawsuit for damages arising from a recall. The recall was initiated because the tires showed abnormally high amounts of wear and tear to the treads. The potential for crashes, blowouts, accidents, injuries, and death was enough to warrant issuing the recall. Continental settled the lawsuit for $8 million and each member of the class was eligible for up to $360.

Talk to a Tire Litigation Attorney Today

Even if it’s not your tire that caused the accident, you may be entitled to recover damages if a tire-related accident caused your injuries. Halpern, Santos & Pinkert have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in personal injury lawsuits, including defective tire lawsuits. Give us a call or talk to us online and we can begin preparing your case immediately.

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