Florida Has Rules When it Comes to Tire Safety

The State of Florida and every other state in the country has rules concerning tires. Florida police can pull a driver over for driving on unsafe tires. Yet many Florida motorists are not aware of the laws or the risks involved with driving on old or worn out tires. In this article, we’ll survey Florida rules and regulations regarding tire safety.
Florida Tread Depth Regulations
Florida has a minimum tread depth requirement that is enforceable by law. The reason should be obvious. Your safety and the safety of other drivers on the road depends on it. Vehicles are expected to be easily controlled at highway speeds. A well maintained tire reduces the risk of hydroplaning and catastrophic tire failure. Drivers should frequently look for wear and tear on their treads, look for bulging treads, and sidewall cracking on a regular basis.
Florida law requires all tires to have a minimum tread depth of 1/16th of an inch. However, you can use a penny to check your tread depth as well. If you stick your penny into the tread with Lincoln’s head facing into the tread and you can see the top of Honest Abe’s hairdo, your tires need to be replaced.
However, the “official” method of checking tire tread depth is to use a tread depth tire gauge which renders results in 32’s of an inch. If your tread is 2/32nds of an inch or less, it’s time to get them replaced.
Tires with lower tread depths are more susceptible to hydroplaning on slick roads. The driver has far less control over the car, and there is even the chance that tires tread could become separated causing a major tire blowout.
Wear Bars
In addition to using pennies or specialized tools, all tires sold and manufactured in North America are required to have tread depth indicators called wear bars. They run underneath the rubber and rear their ugly head when your tires have worn down to the legal limit. This makes it much easier for folks to know when their tires have worn out. If you see the wear bar, it’s time for a new set of tires.
In some cases, drivers may notice that their tread wear is uneven. In other words, the wear bars are visible in some places but not in others. If this is the case, the tires must be replaced immediately. They are no longer safe to drive on. You should also tell your mechanic about the uneven wear. It could be a problem with your alignment or camber. Additionally, it may be that your tires are over or underinflated.
Talk to a Defective Tire Lawyer Today
If you believe that a defective tire caused your accident, the Coral Gables tire defect attorneys at Halpern, Santos & Pinkert can help you sue the manufacturer and recover damages. We have settled or won verdicts in tire liability claims before and can help you win your case. Call us today for a free consultation.